Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Birthday

Its my birthday. I am 5 today and I am so excited . All I wanted was a chocolate cake and that's what i got.Three of them to be exact. One for playgroup, one for home and one for pre school 

Well it was Braidens 5th birthday today, and we are so happy to see him enjoy himself. This year is probably the first year he has had any concept of his age, even though he is not completely up to speed with the concept, he does try hard, and certainly understands party and birthday, just not in relation to him.
All the gifts he got from his cousins and us of course, leads this little boy down that very spoilt life we give him.

Along with love  and care , we are guilty of spoiling all our children not only Braiden, but he does seem to get the most attention. However he really does need it .

Lots of fun was had at the little BBQ we had for our few close relatives.He got to play with at least six of his cousins all ranging from age 7 till 9.But there all little girls,this doesn't seem to faze Braiden,he actually enjoys the company of girls ,I think because there not as rough as little boys tend to be.Like I said a good time was had by all,and I'm sure now we will start teaching him a little about Easter,I think he's got the gist of chocolate Easter egg mmmmm.......


Just Mhe said...

Oh, WOW! He is soo loved by his parents and siblings all the family.

He is so handsome too. Belated Happy Birthday Braiden.

Mira said...

I guess most parents are guilty of spoiling their children at some point, lol. You are doing a wonderful job to Braiden, keep up the good work.

b3arh0ney said...

happy birthday to Braiden! my oldest son just turned 5 last month as well. best wishes and more birthdays to come for Braiden!

LAA and Family said...

Three chocolate cakes! That sounds like a terrific fifth birthday!

Thanks for visiting and introducing yourself on my blog. I have enjoyed reading yours as well. I'm amazed at all the testing your son went through before he got his diagnosis. My son's was given after a 15 minute observation with a developmental pediatrician.